If your home is old, there's a good chance it's time for restumping. Old homes were often built on timber or concrete stumps, which can settle over time and cause problems with the house's structure. Restumping involves replacing the old stumps with new ones, which will raise the house back to its original level. This can help improve the home's structural integrity and make it more comfortable to occupy. Here are some common signs that you may need house restumping.
29 November 2022
Proper property maintenance is the easiest way to maintain the appeal of your commercial development. Most property owners underestimate the benefits of conducting regular repairs. Over time, they experience a high tenant turnover since the building has defective systems that make tenants and their clients affordable. In the long run, the owner incurs hefty fines from the local council and significant property renovation costs. You can avoid this by making property maintenance an ongoing activity from the moment tenants move into the property.
19 January 2022
Have you been told that your home is unsafe? Perhaps your property has been a victim of storm damage and you have discovered that the cost of replacing the roof or rebuilding the walls is too costly to be viable. Perhaps the property was not damaged in a storm but has a foundation problem that has made it unstable. Maybe nearby building work has damaged your foundation to such an extent that it can't be repaired.
18 March 2021
Salt damp is a condition where salts and moisture damage the paint, foundation and walls of your building. The phenomenon is commonly experienced by people who live in areas with soils that have a high salt concentration. Read the excerpt below to learn more about salt damp, including how to prevent and deal with salt damp in your home. How Does Salt Damp Occur? There are two stages of salt damp.
17 July 2020
Asbestos is a controlled substance that needs special attention during removal and subsequent disposal due to the many health and environmental hazards. In Australia, asbestos was banned entirely in 2003, but it is still present in some homes that were built long before the ban came into force. However, homeowners wishing to remove asbestos from their property have to seek the services of a licensed contractor to safely dispose of this material in special landfills.
11 July 2019
If you're trying to renovate your home to create a more functional space, you may need to knock down certain walls and build others elsewhere. You may be creating an open-plan living area or converting an existing bedroom into a suite, but either way, you will need to make sure that the job is done well and finished correctly. When it comes to finishing, this may well involve plastering. If you're not familiar with this skill, is it something you can do yourself?
1 July 2019
While your contractor may not be in a flap about restumping your house, you may find it a stressful experience. Having problems with your foundations is never much fun. If you've never had a house restumped before, then you may not know how this will affect you and the contents of your home. Will you need to move out while the work is done? Do you need to do anything with your home's furniture and contents?
29 November 2018